Law of Attraction in Career and Job Search Issues…

Open Book and Discussion Group based on the books:


Law of Attraction in Career and Job Search Issues

We will touch on books such as:

Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and others

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

and others…

Discussion Tuesday Evening 05.10.11 at 7

Greetings All,

Is the “Law of Attraction” a valid career and job search tool? Can you alter your career destiny with your thoughts? If so, how? Wouldn’t everyone be good-looking, rich, wealthy and well-employed if we could do so with thoughts? Are there “secrets” to using this so-called “law?” Can we sabotage ourselves with unfocused or inappropriate thoughts? Do the paths of others conflict with our paths? Can we do it with thought alone of via thought and action and what would that ratio look like?

Entrepreneur Darian Johnson., one of our greatest positivity masters, will share from his experience and faith in the Law of Attraction. Darian is self-employed and has served proudly in the US Navy aboard the USS Enterprise.

Craig Stafford, our resident universal genre bookologist will share thoughts from the classic “Creative Visualization” by Shakti Gawain. Gawain’s book is considered by many to have been the original book that began the “Law of Attraction” movement. The book competing for origination is “As a Man Thinketh,” by James Allen written at the turn of the century during another turbulent time.

Concepts will be shared from “The Secret” which is one of the most loudly marketed and widely touted “Law of Attraction” texts ever marketed and sold in book, audio file and DVD form. Certainly the most poorly kept “secret” of all time.

Someone else (wonder who?) will be the devil’s advocate claiming arguing that the “Law of Attraction” is an outdated law that should be struck from the books as wishful hoping.

 Visualize this for Discussion:

  • Just what is it that you desire? How well-defined are these objectives?
  • Does how you “Thinketh” really matter?
  • Your thoughts (focus) become things.
  • Often what you obsess about NOT happening happens
  • What does faith have to do with it?
  • Does frustration and doubt sabotage you?
  • Which are more powerful? Negative thoughts or positive thoughts?
  • Are thoughts transformed by the feelings we connect to them?
  • How the “New Age” label gets distracting
  • Have you ever tried “Law of Attraction” strategies?
  • What areas of your life do you feel “stuck?”
  • Is your “current reality” tainting and blocking your “potential reality?”
  • Where do quantum physicists weigh in on “creative visualization?”
  • How the Apollo program and Olympic athletes utilized “visualization
  • Do words matter? As set in the present tense?
  • Lessons from child-like obsessions
  • In what areas are you willing to focus to attain phenomenal success?
  • Even if you doubt the “Law of Attraction” what do you have to lose by trying it?

“You attract to you the predominant thoughts that you’re holding in your awareness, whether those thoughts are conscious or unconscious. That’s’ the rub.” – Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, PhD, D.D., Visionary

As always it will be no ‘secret” that we will manifest camaraderie at Steak & Shake after we conclude at Barnes & Noble.

Join us, won’t you?



Can "Creative Visualization" be Creative Manifestation? Why not try it?

The "Secret" is only a "secret" because others refuse to believe or even try it!

What might happen if you focused your "Thinkething" away from lack and negativity? Why not try for a day, a week, a month...?

$timulus: An Open Book and Networking Group

Barnes & Noble in the Streets of West Chester

(I-75 Exit 19 Union Centre Blvd., Past The Rave Theater)

9455 Civic Centre Boulevard, West Chester, OH 45069

Every Tuesday evening at 7:00 P.M.

There is no charge for $timulus!!!

Monte at 513.769.6313 or

About MonteWashburn

Greetings, Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Monte, a passionate lover of a great spectrum of nonfiction books and authors and in hoping to provide some guidance to the many currently unemployed or under-employed persons much of the content posted here will revolve around books of the job search, career, entrepreneurial pursuits and personal development. Other related blogs and material will be heralded here as well. And a little fiction just may sneak in as well from time to time. May you find your own stimulus here. Expectantly, Monte
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